Heading to Osaka Japan? Say Hello to IRGI Japan, a CEG Dealer School affiliate.

IR Gaming Institute (IRGI) Japan is founded by our very own CEG instructor and former Cosmopolitan Dealer, Rocky Katagiri.
In April 2020, Rocky opened IRGI in Osaka bringing world class dealing skills to support the future casino industry in Japan.
As strategic partners, IRGI Japan has access to CEG’s deep experience and the latest developments in gaming protection in Las Vegas. As a member of the CEG family, coupled with Rocky’s skills as a veteran dealer, IRGI is the only school we recommend for future dealers in Japan.
With Real Las Vegas roots IRGI brings the "art of dealing” to Japan.
Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette and CRAPS training available.
Check out some of their links,
IRGI Japan YouTube Channel